Duterte:Turned down invitation to attend Trump’s inauguration for Russia

Pilipinas Ngayon 3:11 AM

Duterte says he turned down invitation to attend Trump’s inauguration for Russia

Philippines - President Rodrigo Duterte had been invited to attend the inauguration of United States President Donald Trump last January but he turned it down because he wanted to visit Russia first.

In an interview with Russian media in Davao City ahead of his flight to Moscow Monday (May 22), Duterte gave a different version of the story on why he skipped Trump’s inauguration.

“I have not been there. I have been invited to attend the swearing-in of Trump, but I said ‘not yet because I have to go to Russia’,” the Russian news outfit Sputnik quoted Duterte as saying.
Communications Secretary Martin Andanar told the media in January that Duterte will not be at Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C. because it was “not customary for heads of states” to be there as it was a “domestic event.”

“Customarily, the head of mission or the ambassador is the representative of our country. Because this is totally a domestic event, Americans will be there to celebrate the inauguration,” he said. 
Representing the Philippines at Trump’s inauguration were Andanar and National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon.

Duterte will be in Russia from May 23 to 26. During his visit, he is set to have bilateral meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he has described as his “idol,” and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. 

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